How to Defrost a Fridge?

The refrigerator has to be one of the most useful and necessary appliances that you have in your house. It helps in keeping your food items fresh and in perfect condition for later use. However, the frost builds upon the walls of your freezer can reduce the efficiency of your refrigerator and increase the electricity bill drastically. While the latest models come with automatic defrost or self-defrost technology, the older models need defrosting on a regular basis to work efficiently. But how will you defrost the fridge? The following ways will help you to defrost your freezer easily and quickly. 

Different Ways to Defrost a Fridge

1) Turn it off and melt the ice

How to Defrost a Fridge

Well, this has to be one of the most obvious ways to defrost the fridge. All you need to do is to unplug your freezer, keep its lid open and the ice will melt on its own. While this defrosting process is the simplest and safest one, it also takes a great amount of time especially if you live in a colder region. Also, you may need to mop the water that is produced due to the melting of ice from time to time to avoid any mess. So, if you are patient and can wait peacefully for some time then this process is perfect for you. 

2) Take the help of a fan

How to Defrost a Fridge

Using a fan is surely one of the best ways to defrost the fridge without wasting much time. The fan plays a crucial role by circulating warm air into your freezer which speeds up the defrosting process radically. This method also works best in places with warm weather conditions since circulating warm air into the freezer is a key part of the process. Just open the door of your fridge and set up the fan in front of it to ensure continuous circulation of warm air. It will help in much faster melting of the ice build-up inside the freezer as compared to the last process. 

3) Metal spatula surely comes in handy

How to Defrost a Fridge

While this process is very quick, it surely comes with a certain amount of risk. For this process, you will require a metal spatula and an oven mitt. All you need to do is to wear the oven mitt and carefully hold the metal spatula over the flame to heat the spatula. Once the spatula is red and hot, just press it against the ice and break the ice easily. This process helps in defrosting your fridge quickly. However, you should be very cautious while using this process. 

4) Make use of a blow dryer

Make use of a blow dryer

A blow dryer can be an efficient tool when it comes to defrosting your fridge. Nevertheless, there are some precautions that you must follow. You must be at a safe distance and keep the cord from the reach of ice or water. Also, for this method to be effective, you must focus on one section of your fridge at a time. This method is actually very simple. The heat from the blow dryer melts the ice and defrosts your freezer at a very quick pace. But you should take caution and must not allow overheating of your fridge since it can cause serious damage. 

5) Rubbing alcohol and the hot cloth will do the trick

Rubbing alcohol and the hot cloth will do the trick

This process is very easy to follow. All you will need to do is to dip a piece of clean cloth in boiling water, take it out, and then pour some rubbing alcohol on it. Just press the cloth against the ice build-up and it will help to quickly melt the ice. 

All the processes listed above are easy to perform and can be done without any trouble. So, follow any of these processes and defrost your fridge without any trouble. 

About Vikrant Thakur

Vikrant is a student who has keen interest finding solutions to critical problems. As he is a tech-savvy person, he knows which appliance is best for any type of household. He ranks the products after thoroughly researching each and every feature. His extraordinary insight has helped the readers to find the best solution.

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