How Do Carbon Filters Help in Water Purification?

Waterborne diseases are nothing uncommon in this world. Drinking contaminated water can deeply impact your health and even lead to chronic diseases. Some of the most common diseases that drinking polluted water may lead to are cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A, etc. Moreover, these diseases are pretty common in India as well where there is a scarcity of water. Hence, people are forced to drink contaminated water. That’s why filtration plays a major role in purifying the water.

What is Water Filtration?

To deal with the vital problem of water contamination, water filtration came into existence. This provides the users with safe drinking water. In the filtration process, all the impurities, solid particles, harmful chemicals etc are dealt with effectively. Normal water filters were initially popular in the market and every household use to own one. But with modernization, water purifiers have replaced water filters. But interestingly, these purify involves a lengthy filtration process to guaranteed drinkable and safe water. Most importantly, the presence of carbon filters made a big difference.

What is a Carbon Filter?

In the current day scenario, a carbon filter is the most common filter that any reputed brand uses. It does not only present the best water purifier but also a backpack water filter, RO purifier, shower and refrigerator filter, and so on. This filter certainly crushes the carbon source and makes the best use of it to purify water. These sources are such as bituminous coal, peat, and even coconut shells. As a matter of fact, the coconut shells are renewable in nature and are eco-friendly as well.

Carbon Filter

How does carbon filter help in water purification?

Water filters can filter litres of water and purify it every single time. The modern purifiers choose to use carbon filters as the effectiveness is higher in comparison to any other alternative. Wondering what a carbon filter does? Well, it does have a lot of pros.

  • First things first, the carbon filter will handle all the unnecessary harmful products. It will certainly eliminate the chemical compounds as well as the organic ones. Chlorine, VOCs, pesticides and other substances that are usually present in the water will be dealt with. The carbon filter will make the water free of harmful particles.
  • Also, the carbon filter will make sure that the water tastes good.  Once the water passes through the carbon filter, the activated carbon particles will prevent impurities from contaminating the water. This in turn will make the water taste better and the bad taste along with the organic compounds will not bother.
  • Odour is another factor that suggests how bad the water quality can be. Carbon filter even deals with the odour problem. Be it chlorine or hydrogen sulfide that has an egg-like odour, the water will be properly treated. So, next time you drink water out of purifiers, it will not smell at all.
  • Even heavy metals and sediments are not left to settle. The filter will eliminate these particles and you will always receive fresh water.

However, many may wonder about the safety issues related to the carbon filter. Well, you do not have to worry about anything as these filters are not chemically treated. So, no chance of danger at all. Besides, these have been tested and even gained approval for uses. As a result, safety is not a concern anymore.

water purification

Are carbon filters replaceable? 

Yes, you can change the carbon filter whenever it’s needed. The longevity of a carbon filter is anywhere between 6 to 12 months. You need to keep a check on the efficiency of the carbon filter.

How are carbon filters beneficial in RO?

Carbon filters are very effective in the pre-RO or post-RO purification process.  The best RO water purifier uses the pre-RO carbon filter to deal with impurities that affect the quality of the water. However, some impurities such as heavy metal, TDS still linger in the water. For that, the post-RO carbon filter involves another layer of carbon filter after the UV purification. Hence, you get safety assurance always. Besides, all the prevalent problems will not become a threat.

In this modern era, pollution as a whole is increasing. Even the heavy-duty factories discharge all their chemical waste in the water bodies. So, in order to stay safe against the adverse effects of water, you must pick a water purifier with a carbon filter. Ensure your safety and take no risks when it comes to health.

About Vikrant Thakur

Vikrant is a student who has keen interest finding solutions to critical problems. As he is a tech-savvy person, he knows which appliance is best for any type of household. He ranks the products after thoroughly researching each and every feature. His extraordinary insight has helped the readers to find the best solution.

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