How to Clean the LED TV Screen?

You might have the biggest and latest LED TV screen in your home. It is your responsibility that doesn’t end there. Surely, the best-LED TV brings pictures and videos to life. But to maintain the beauty of something, you need to put in a lot of hard work. The hardest part of owning a LED TV is cleaning it in a spotless manner. However, what about the scratches that are left behind when you try to clean them? What is the solution for that?

Well, your LED can remain as good as new when you take proper care of it. So, here are some expert tips for best results.

Things to do before cleaning the LED TV

Kindly unplug the TV in order to ensure a safe and sound operation. Firstly, there might be risks of getting shocks when you are cleaning your appliance when it’s turn on. Next, you will be doing no good to the TV. Switch off your device and let it rest for a couple of minutes before you start cleaning it. This will allow the TV to cool down and the static electricity will be gone. As a result, you can proceed to clean the TV.

Also, always read the user manual. There might be some specific needs that you require to adhere to. Besides, the manual may also suggest which cleaner to use for keeping your LED in perfect condition. So, it is smart to know the requirements before cleaning.

How to clean the LED TV?

Wipe the Dust

The first step is to start with dusting the dirt and dust away. Often layers of dust tend to sit on our LED screen and we do not realise how much it affects the quality of our viewing experience. With specks of dust layering without any clue, the vibrancy of the TV will be affected and so, the experience will be pretty dull. We suggest dusting the screen properly before proceeding to clean any further.

Type of Cloth

Next, comes the material of the cloth you should be using. Any harsh material that feels rough should be strictly avoided if you want to preserve your TV. Usually, the best smart TV brands include microfiber cloth in the package. However, you cannot expect that from all the brands. You will get any high-quality microfiber cloth in any store. This microfiber cloth is gentle to your screen, doesn’t have a texture, and will not leave any scratches. 

Do not spray water or detergent solution

Now, you must know that cleaning with normal tap or filtered water is highly dangerous. It can lead to serious damage to your TV circuit and you can permanently damage your screen. Moreover, adding detergent to water is nothing but extremely risky. Thus, never go for any water or detergent solution to wipe your screen clean. Instead, there are many different cleaning solutions that you can find in any shop. One of the widely popular cleaning solutions is Colin. You just need to spray the solution for cleaning every corner of your TV perfectly.

Clean those ugly streaks

You might notice streaks of dust settling on your screen. Well, that is because you didn’t clean the dirt well. First, clean the dirt properly in one particular direction, say horizontally or vertically. Thus, you can wipe off the dust without leaving behind any stain.

Take care of glossy screen

With the use of micro-fibre cloths, the chances of scratches will be reduced. As the screen has a glossy finish, your aim is to clean the screen without causing any damage to that glossy screen. So, choose the cloth that is going to give you smooth results.

Clean the corner

Facing a problem in cleaning the corners of your TV?  You might have noticed accumulated dirt in the corner of the screen. Well, that is hard to reach and spotlessly clean those corners. With the use of cotton swabs, you can tap on those corners. In case, you do not properly clean the corners, it will result in an uneven appearance and that will not be presentable to one’s eyes. However, please note that you need to gently pick the dirt up from the corner instead of dragging it. If you drag it, then the dirt will be spread over the screen and leaving behind dirty marks. So, please make sure that you carefully remove the dirt.

Check Out Best LED TV Screen Cleaner

Extra tips:

  • Never spray your cleaning solution directly on the screen. Instead, spray on the napkin or microfiber cloth for the sake of LED’s safety. In case, you direct spray on the LED and if it’s excess, then there will be damage to the structure.
  • Do not let the dust or debris sit on the screen for more than a week. Make sure that you clean it every week for easy cleaning. If you let it rest for a long time, then it will be hard to wipe off the dust. Also, if you can clean it daily, it will certainly be the best option.

Now that you know how to properly take care of your LED screens, try and follow the format. Maintaining your LED’s health ensures that you have a long-running TV and need few servicing. Proper maintenance is always the key to longevity. So, practice it and keep enjoying your favourite shows. 

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About Vikrant Thakur

Vikrant is a student who has keen interest finding solutions to critical problems. As he is a tech-savvy person, he knows which appliance is best for any type of household. He ranks the products after thoroughly researching each and every feature. His extraordinary insight has helped the readers to find the best solution.

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